Sunday, November 21, 2010

Thankfulness Post Day 9

Audio books are something that recently I've become really thankful for. During school I generally listen to music and over the past few months I have listened to my limited musical collection to the degree that its tedious to hear the same songs again. So in need of something to distract me during the tediousness of schoolwork and finding myself at the library with ten minutes to spare I searched the audio books section. I stumbled upon The Da Vinci Code and The Shack, two books that I'd heard lots about but knew I'd never actually take the time to read. I checked out those two at our libraries fancy automatic no librarian required check out machine and have been listening to them over the past two weeks. Both were good and both were infinitely more enjoyable because I had someone reading them with funny voices and I didn't have to read them myself.

Now I figured out the hard way that listening to audio books only works well with novels or stories and not with non fiction works, books like histories and textbooks or theological works.. You can experiment for yourself but I think this principle will hold true for most everyone.

So if you have a novel/story that you've always wanted to read and just dont have the time then find it at the library and listen to it while you do school, or while you knit, or do it in place of watching Psych on Wednesday night *cough* Mercy *cough*.