Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Train station Meditations.

Overlooking The Circus Maximus

Considering that over twenty four hours of the past tens days have been spent in a train station, I figured Id do a post about what Ive been thinking about. Because their really isnt much to do in a train station besides sit and think, sometimes you can read but its pretty load especially in the Rome train station, where they have huge vacuum like machines to keep the floors from becoming to disgusting. Now the drivers consider it a game to see how close they can get to sucking up your bags and so in between dodging the pickpockets, vacuum cleaners and random creepy people who haunt train stations, Ive been reading Thomas A Kempis, The Epistles of Paul, City of God and Christian Apologetics, all very good and all very thought provoking. Mostly Ive been reading and thinking in the context of the book Im hoping to coauthor on my return, so Ive been thinking about entertainment, enjoyment, fun and where all of those things fit profitably into a Christians life. Ive tried to summarize it in a few short thoughts.

I. To the degree that entertainment is beneficial to the spiritual well being of a person, to that extant ought it to be enjoyed.

II.When things that result in sensual enjoyment, not that are bad in and of themselves, but when they become a hinderance to ones ability to hear and obey The Holy Spirit then they must be thrown away until unity with the spirit is restored.

III.Sensual pleasure, is neither good nor bad, it can be either a result of pursuing the flesh or of walking with the spirit.

A. The gratification of the flesh produces a sensual delight that is wrong, and is dependent on ones circumstances, as soon as the physical circumstances change the pleasure leaves.

B. Walking in accordance with the spirit, brings sensual pleasure, NOT because we pursue it, but because God grants it to us as a gift and takes it back when He sees fit. This pleasure is more satisfying and is more dependent on the mental and spiritual state of the person instead of the physical.

IIII.Unless we wish to shame the examples of the most eminent church fathers we will not run from the chance to endure suffering when God refuses us the gift sensual pleasure, rather we will embrace pain and trail with joy knowing the greatest triumphs in Christianity came not in times of peace and prosperity rather they came in the midst of darkness, fire and sword.

V. Grace is the provision of God that allows human kind to forsake his natural tendency to pursue his own happiness and rather to seek Christ's pleasure. The result a sense of joy that is not necessarily sensual but more mental in its nature.

VI. Nothing ought to be pursued which is merely a tool to escape the life God has destined you to live, I would say thats cheating out on both the trials and the joys God has planned for each of us.

VII. True Happiness is only the result of a gift from God that comes when the flesh is entirely dead and the spirit is in control of ones feelings.

I'll interject here to tell a story about one of the times I feel like I've felt real happiness. We were in Rome and we went to the Vatican. We didn't see the Sistine Chapel but we wondered through Saints Peter's Basilica. I dont know what it is that makes a place more spiritual then others, obviously it depends on the person in each place, but their was something spiritual about that Cathedral and I wasn't the only one who felt it.


Here's a picture from the top, not my picture. So all around the top are statues of saints. The large courtyard was not as cool as I thought it would be because for some odd reason I thought their was a huge statue of St. Peter there and when their wasn't I was slightly disappointed. But we got to go inside, free of charge and first we went down to see the tombs of the popes. It was very solemn, no cameras were allowed, they had chanting in the background, As much as I might disagree with points of Catholic doctrine, I had to wander around the coffins in awe, gazing upon the men who for hundreds of years were the faces of Christianity. They were the men who upheld what was right good and lawful, they crowned and dethroned kings, they bore the responsibility for shepherding the entire flock of Christ. Then to see the tomb of St Peter was just incredible. Slowly I began to loose myself in the mists of imagination. Thinking about times gone by when knights were bold and popes still held the golden orb and scepter. We walked upstairs and surrounding us on all sides were statues of heroes from biblical, apostolic, post apostolic, Nicene, post Nicene and Medieval Christianity. Their was a room dedicated for prayers where me and Daniel went and their was where I felt happy, more so then I ever remember feeling before. Their was a true unity and connection with God that I can't quite describe. I dont know how long I stayed there in that little room, Daniel bumped my elbow to remind me I was still human and that we had to go soon so I thanked God for His gift that even after I left the room stayed and only wore off as God allowed, not as the physical circumstances changed. Over the next few days I realized why God had given me that special blessing, because the next few days were physically very taxing.. Daniel got sick from a combination of cold, spending the night in the Rome train station, spending a night on the open deck of a ferry, lack of good food and over exertion. We both felt really really homesick and we just sat around at the campsite we were staying trying to sleep trying not to think of home. I honestly think God gave me that special connect with Him in the cathedral to enable me to endure with perfect confidence and joy those next couple days. Even though we "felt" horrible my mind was clear and my soul was pure.

Sorry I know that was long. I figure since this blog is about me, I can tell a long story about myself every now and again. I hope that all made sense, for me it helped validify what I felt God had been teaching me both in my prayers and in what I had been reading. Namely that happiness is not the result of our circumstances rather it is a particular blessing from God that he gives at His leisure and takes at His leisure. Joy and such that is a different thing and a different topic which I must think more about and post on later. This post was to try to express in words a bit of what I've been thinking about and to show that my mind has not been inactive on this trip. Please comment with what you think, I hate it when people bring in a story into a debate that makes it all emotional and then its hard to contradict that person, so do not be worried about hurting my feelings if you radically disagree, I'd very much like to understand where I've gone wrong in my thinking.

Right now were in Munich Germany, visiting with one of Daniel's friends from when he lived in Germany. I still have to do a post with all the pictures from Paris then a post with all the pictures from Munich, on Friday we go to Cologne and stay there till Monday when we fly to Dublin Ireland and a week from today we fly home. Me and Daniel made dinner for the three of us and we made far far to much, so we have a massive pot of rice sitting in the kitchen so we are both well fed and content.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Pictures from Rome

Sorry this is so late. We didn't really have access to a computer for a long time over the past week. These pictures are from September 21 I think. We saw all of Rome in one day it was really exciting. We saw the Vatican, The Colosseum, The Roman Forum, and loads and loads of Roman ruins, their all over the place, in the subway in the train station and random aquedacts throughout the city.

Us in front of St. Peters Basilica.
The alter in the Cathedral.
The outside is decorated with the saints, I think their is one for every day of the year.
The gulf of Corinth from the train window.
Trajans Column, he had the outside decorated with his feats from the Dacian Wars
The Arch of Constantine.
Amidst the ruins of the Colosseum their is a cross erected. Every year the pope comes to this spot to pray for the souls of the martyrs who died there.
The ruins of the colosseum. Me and Daniel just sat around for along time thinking and pondering. We had to pay twenty-four euros so we decided to make it worth out while. Im not sure about Daniel but I know most of my thoughts were dwelling on the extant to which man will take his love for entertainment, entertainment or escape from life. To think that the greatest and most well known relic from the one of the most powerful empires ever to dominate the world, is an enormous building dedicated to the sensual pleasure of the Roman populace. Such a dark contrast St. Peters Basilica just a little bit away, which stands for truth, and upholds the name of God. I will hopefully post more of my thoughts later. Its really annoying because the keyboards are getting really funky. In Greece and Italy they were very similar to American ones but in France and Germany they are weird. That is my excuse for short posts.

Friday, September 24, 2010


Pardon my poor smile but as you can see we are very cold. I realized today walking through Paris that when I return home its going to be perfect weather for wearing my trench coat and leather gloves, it made me so happy.

St. Peters Basillica was definitly my place so far. Paris is definitly my favorite city. I'll write more and post more pictures later. Its been fabulous though. Me and Daniel are staying with a wonderful Missionary in Paris who stayed at our house last year, she advised me to study Calvin which I did so you all can blaim her for my Calvinistic streak. Today me and Daniel went and scaled the Eiffel Tower as well as looked at the Arch Triumphant bemoaning the whole time that America had no similar monuments.

Farewell I'll write again soon.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

In Rome

From Athens to Patras from Patras to Bari from Bari to Rome from Rome to Paris. This trip has been a great adventure. We had barely enough Camera battery to get some pictures of us in Rome and I'll hopefully be able to post those in Paris. Just wanted to post something cause I havn't posted in along time. I realized yesterday I've been a poor blogger and havn't been good about responding to comments. So now if you write a comment you can count on a reply.

Alright that is all...



Friday, September 17, 2010


We arrived yesterday in Athens, the birthplace of secular philosophy. We walked miles and miles and used the money we would have spent on a taxi to buy sustenance for the evening. Bread, Nutella and Nectarines. Today we woke up and noticed an advertisement for a "Walking Tour" posted on our hostel door. The advertisement claimed they could lead us through the city in five hours. Naturally we decided to take up the challenge and see the city in four. Which we preceaded to do.

The Tomb of the Unkown Soldier. The real genuine not American one.

We purposley decided to walk to the Acropolis on the street with all the official government buildings. This is the academy, it is said Socrates was the founder.
A Statue of Athena outside the National Library.

Then we saw it, from between the trees and the aparment buildings, we saw the Acropolis for the first time. The same Acropolis which six hundred Athenians had held againts the persian army after Thermopylae.

To began the ascent you must go through a massive arch arrected by Hadrian. The path to the top takes you buy hundreds of other ruins. Here is some carvings on a partually restored theater.

A fully retored theater where they do performances.

Finally reaching the top is something special. The marks of fire on the older pillars are from the Persian invasion.

A view from the top
The view of the Acropolis from Mars Hill, where Paul preached.
Teenpact represent.

On the steps of the Parthenon.
Why did the Ottomans have to blow the Parthenon up? Imagine how cool this picture would be if the building was intact.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Traveling through history.

The Temple of Apollo where the oracle dwelt.

This hornet used the all to typical mongol attack strategy. He went on a wild attack run that caused panic through ought the bus then retreated to his hole right alongside the AC unit above my bus seat. Fortunately I read Sun Tzu in preparation for just such an escipade and awaited his return from his little fortress. As soon as he reapppeared I finished him with my shoe. The remains of Athena's temple at Delphi

"Hail the victorious dead!!"
At the monument of Leaonidas. Just three history lovers next to one of their most favorite histoircal figure ever.

We climbed the mountain behind Delphi on a whim, here is me at the top. This is the mountain we climbed.

A view of the coastal town next to Delphi
The Valley bellow Delphi, complete with olive groves
Yet more ruins of the temple. After reaching Athens we trecked threw the city for multiple miles and used theoney we could have spent on a taxi to celebrate our victory. Nutella, Coke, fresh bread and some sort of fruit that slightly resembles nectarines. Tomorrow we seek out the Acropolis and Mars Hill.


In a smoky internet cafe sorrounded by highschoolers playing Lineage. Thermopylae was awesome, Delphi was cooler particularly since we went their by my recommendation. Pictures and such will come later. All is well, dont worry about me :)

Monday, September 13, 2010

A Walk in the Aegean

The limits of fun must not be exceeded as has clearly been explained earlier in this blog. Driving to Phillipi I was as happy as I could remember ever being, reminiscing about the lives of various warriors, philosophers, statesmen, orators, play writers, poets all of whom I have read about with bated breadth waiting for a story of courage and virtue to unfold. However in the midst of this emotional escastsy I was touched by God saying "who are you? why are you where you are? and remember that you being there is only to help fulfill my mission for you." So often I find myself getting caught up in a state of emotional mindlessness which however happy it makes me, I find it unhelpful to whatever God would have me accomplish plus the fact that its mindless inhibits me from true joy, which trusts not in mindlessness but in a conscious knowledge of God and His Spirit which reaps in us the purest and truest joy.

As I wonder through Greece, their are millions of questions running through my mind, "who walked here?, what man carved this stone? what orator spoke in this theater? what young woman was baptized in this church? how many ages of men woman and children have passed through this temple? it amazing how simply thinking about God and His glories put things back into perspective.

Yesterday we took a hike along the coast, really really beautiful. The water is so clear and extremely warm.

We happened upon an old Byzantine tower next to a cool chapel.

The only trouble was.....
The door was twenty feet off the ground.
I had to, it was fate calling me.
To commemorate our first swim in the Aegean we played another ninja game.

(to all my fans who are rooting for me in our ninja games, I was not beaten in this game, they cheated and if someone will watch the movie closely they'll notice Josh went out of turn to get me out)

I want this blog to be a bit more then pictures and captions so I'm gonna try to write a bit about what I'm learning and thinking as I travel. Sorry if that tedious for some people, I find it more fascinating then the pictures.

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Days one and two.

*sigh* I just spent like two hours uploading and writing status's for all the pictures but I deleted it all. You can go to my brothers blog
to see most of the pictures. I'll just put a few of the best on here. So far its been STINKING AWESOME!!!!. Fascinating and contemplating.

The plain rides were uneventful with the exception of having to chug a waterbottle full of water in a security line because their wasn't time to leave my spot and the fact that for the seven hour trans atlatnic flight my tv didn't work and it was too dark to read. We arrived the next day and to beat jetleg we didn't sleep until ten oclock Greek time. So we could adjust to the time difference better. We saw Thessaloniki the second largest city in Greece and watched the beginnings of a riot unfold on main street. Alexander not great.
Thessaloniki from the lookout point.
Far more important then the fact that I'm standing with my brother in the city that Aristotle lived and taught is the fact that in this picture I'm successfully spinning a frisbee.

Out contemplating Aristotle with my siblings and host siblings.

Today we woke up around nine and drove an hour and a half to Phillipi the place of Lydia's conversation and the site of Europe's first convert. We saw the spot of Lydias baptism and I drank some of the water.

Hiked to Amon Sul above Phillipi sat atop the watchtower

Went to Kavala a coastal town near Phillip and checked the Venetian Citadel that guarded the harbor
Then to wrap up the day we went to a small road side restaurant where I had a superb Fish Soup.
Thats all for now, I've had a couple interesting thoughts, revelations and epiphanies along the way. I'll post more about them when I"m not so tired.

Oh and here I saved the best for last.