Saturday, August 29, 2009

Mission: Josh's Bed Code named: Kaboom

An excerpt from the Lagan archives.

Two days ago I was sitting on the couch at about eight thirty in the morning. We had gotten up at five that morning to see my sister off to college and so everyone was taking it easy that morning. The house was quit and I was just sitting their thinking than I hear "voom weeeh foom!!!" and throughout the house resounds the "bam bam boom!!" of my four younger siblings running from the basement making space ship noises.To as chance would have it, right next to the couch where I was sitting. Carrying along with them their four cardboard box spaceships. Taking a black marker they began drawing all manner of buttons, dials, robots, soda fountains, food making machines, hot tubs, and indoor pools inside their boxes. They proceed to hold a space battle with the alien army from Gubgub. Than my mom came downstairs , she said "I need some brave space pilots to go blow up Josh's bed" (my older brother)
Jordan said, "approaching galaxy, Josh's Bed. *all four make landing noises* *all four jump out of their boxes* "This will be a ground mission boys." says newly proclaimed Gold Leader, Jordan.
Once again the Bam Boom Stomp Bang of four pairs of bare feet running upstairs. Slowly gets fainter as they get to the far end of the house. I hear a distant cry "BONZI!!" Ezra begans a countdown as all four sprint out of the room and jump from the top of our stairs "Three two one, explosion sound effect, BOOM BOOM BOOM BOOM" as all four jump from the top of our stairs landing with a thud. They trot back to their ships slapping each other on the back and doing beaf (a secret handshake that's pronounced the same as beef). Josh came downstairs a few minutes later. "Mission Success" Says Nathan and off they zoom at hyper speed to sector 4q

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Two big posts

My title very neatly summarizes my post. Sorry for not posting in awhile but I've been busy. Actually yes I have been busy so quit judging me.

So my two big posts coming up are duuuun dundun du... Number one I'll be posting about why I call myself Sir Lagan and the order of knighthood to which I belong and all the specifics that I am allowed to talk to you about, about said knighthood.

Number two, I've been reading on and off, more off than on but I have been reading the Three Musketeers series of which I am a big fan. Well, finally after three thousand plus pages I have gotten to the climax of this one of a kind epic. I came across probably one of the coolest parts in any book I've ever read. I'll be posting two of the coolest dialogues in any book you'll ever come across.

As an added bonus I'll probably post my testimony. Since I'm getting baptized in a few weeks I don't suppose I have any excuse not to. So now wait in anxcious anticipation for whichever of the beforementioned topics I wish to post on first.

Friday, August 14, 2009

"Darkness Rising"

So I promised I would make an attempt at justifying my reasons for the dark and ominous title "Darkness Rising". For those of you who don't really care it will be enough for you to know that I think the world is getting gradually worse and not better so you can stop reading now if you want.

For those who care to listen to what I think seems logical you can hang around for one or two more paragraphs.

Firstly I am willing to concede alot of what I say is probably not a true world perspective but an "american" perseptive. As I see it things seemling appear better and brighter than they were three hundred four hundred a thousand years ago. However in my humble opinion it appears that something is festering deep within all the false brightness. Most of the food orginizations and aid orginizations and medical aid corperations and most other minsitries not missions mind you but "ministires" are all done in the name of humans. They all preach the ideals of a humanistic society that tells humans we can create a utopia on earth without the aid of a supreme higher being. This mindset will prove the downfall of all that they have been working to attain and the longer they continue this course without their false beleifs being contradicted by facts the greater will be the fall.

As for me I would rather have all the atrocoties of the past without a false philosophy that is able to help prevent the atrocoties for a time but will inevitably fail and only bring about worse trouble than what was before.

I know that probably made no sense whatsoever so if you actually cared enough to read that and are more curious about my opinion you can send me an email and I can try to explain myself more clearly.

Thursday, August 13, 2009


I got four new followers since I went on vacation a short week ago, although it seemed like an eternity. To what I owe this great honor I know not but I hope you all enjoy my posts. I don't have time to post now seeing as how we just got back and my van is a mess and my room is a mess and I shouldn't be on the computer. With luck I'll post tonight or tomorrow.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009


I just need to post something so I'll tell you about my recent trip into the forests of New England. I just returned from backpacking. For those of you who for some weird reason dont know what that is I'll explain. Its basically a multiple day hike and you camp on the side of the trailw when darkness comes. Since your going camping you have to carry a bunch of stuff so all the packs are really heavy. My advice for all you readers is dont go, unless of course you like walking mile upon mile endlessly only to reach summits without good views and to go back down again to a mosquito infested valley than you do it over again. At least that was my experience. I'd never gone before and this excursion proved a disaster for myself. Not only did I not bring any change of clothes I also brought the wrong type of shoes so my feet have big blisters and cuts on them. The swarms of mosqitos kept us all awake till 2:00 A.M. and they forced me to abandon our lean to and sleep out in the woods.

So take what you will, forthwith I'm not a fan of backpacking. I should be able to get some picture of the trip soon to give you all a taste of what it was like.

Saturday, August 1, 2009

to all of my four readers

Seeing as how you are all so anxious to read my next post I'll hold you in suspense for another two days because I'm going backpacking tomorrow and wont be able to post till Monday. Hopefully I'll bring back some picture if I can acquire a camera. Now wallow in your loathsome mire of suspense while I frolic about the woods of New England.