Thursday, November 25, 2010

Thankfulness Post, Day 13

I'm very much vexed because I was gonna post about something really cool and then forgot what it was. So now I'm stuck and with only 36 minutes left until tomorrow I need to come up with something quick. Today, at my churches Thanksgiving Eve service we played a really neat hymn that I hadn't heard in awhile called, Come Thou Fount of Every Blessing. I was really thankful for that song because earlier we had sung three or four other songs which were not bad by any means but they just didn't have much substance they were kinda the fluffy modern worship songs. Recently I've come to appreciate hymns enormously, they are not merely fluffy songs that have all the right words but have no meaning in them. I think what makes hymns so special and powerful is that they were written through the passion of men who had experianced the power of the living God and had felt His saving grace. A Mighty Fortress is our God was written by Martin Luther during the the turbalant times of the Reformation. It Is Well With My Soul was written by Horatio Spafford after he had lost all his property in The Great Chicago Fire, his only son to an unknown incurable disease and all four of his daughters to a shipping accident. Their is power in words that come from the heart of a grieving father or a wearied pastor or a troubled child. We must appreciate the power in these relics of history that tell stories of darkness and frustration being conquered by God's power.

Here is a list of some of my favorite hynms, comment with ones I forgot to include or with ones that are particularly special to you: Be Thou My Vision, Come Thou Fount of Every Blessing, Come Ye Sinners, All Hail The Power of Jesus' Name, Doxology, It is well, In Christ Alone, Amazing Grace, A Might Fortress Is Our God and A Call to Prayer


  1. Be thou my vision, doxology, it is well, in Christ alone, and amazing grace are all some of my favorites too. :)

    i don't know about hymns though... there definitely are very powerful hymns out there, but i think there's just as many 'fluffy' ones as there are 'fluffy' contemporary songs. like "sweat hour of prayer" HATE that song with a passions. it's so dumb. and "trust and obey" i feel like those were written by people who were on drugs at the time. but i guess it goes the same way with contemporary songs

  2. Blessed Assurance, How Great Thou Art and When I Survey the Wondrous Cross are good too. Though sometimes it's fun to just sing the Battle Hym of the Republic at the top of your lungs.

  3. lol true Hannah and I'll let you two try and figure out which Hannah that was meant for.
