Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Thankfulness Post #1

The holidays are such an exciting time it's easy to get confused and swept up in a big emotional tide of holiday cheer. Sadly this unrestrained tide leaves alot of people out of breadth, confused and disoriented. In the midst of all the expectations, traditions, family obligations and pressure to give people stuff it seems that people lose track of what the holidays are really all about. Figure out what the holidays actually mean to you. Don't sit around and let the spirit of the season control you. Let it motivate and empower but you should be behind the wheel, not the social norms or expectations that you've grown up with. 

I consider Thanksgiving to be about recognizing all the things which have been accomplished since last year that I couldn't have accomplished on my own. It's a time to think back, reflect, thank God or relevant individuals and be proud of the progress that has occurred. This process for me takes more than just one day. So today I'm starting a series of posts about the things I'm thankful for. My list is not in any order other than the order in which I think things up. 

Today I was extremely grateful for a Monday without work. I work on average three days a week and because working is based on unpredictable variables like the weather, the mood of my boss, and the specific contract my boss has, my three work days may fall anywhere within the week. My favorite is working Tuesday Wednesday and Friday. I might get that this week. My days off are really nice and I'm thankful for them. 
I get to sit at my desk and read my books and write my letters....

and drink tea from a cool cup. I do believe that in a mysterious unscientific sense that the epicness of one's tea utensils increases the taste of the tea itself.

I get to read cool books like Dostoevsky's Brothers Karamazov

and another, How To Read A Book.
 And there you have it. Come back tomorrow and maybe I'll have gotten hold of a better camera so you can actually see something other than fuzz in my pictures. 

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