Friday, August 14, 2015

Read If You Can, Speak If You Must, Love No Matter What.

The patterns of the world are wonderful. To observe the tendencies of the universe is one of the most fulfilling exercises of the human person. Why do fans so love the details? Why are we not content to simply participate in the universe as it is presented to us and enjoy it? Possibly humans have been born with an insatiable curiosity, the impassioned belief that knows that nothing is just as it seems. Hidden beneath the surface of the complex interplay of physical, material and spiritual experiences are meridians of truth that are not defined by the substance of their make up but by their ability to connect reality in all it's spheres. 

Today I'm blogging again for the first time in some time and am happy to be here. Yesterday I was reading three books. It's a fun exercise to lay all the books you're reading out in front of you and divide them into equal parts reading them one after the other. Yesterday, for me, included the Bible, The Imitation of Christ and The Abolition of Man. Practically this worked out to mean, first a chapter of the Abolition of Man, then, ten chapters of the Imitation of Christ, then five chapters from the Bible. (Historical, poetical, prophetic, gospel, epistle, 1 chapter from each section.) My thoughts from such readings are many. Mostly I'm just jealous of C.S. Lewis whose book I was reading. I heard a story from his colleague who begin reading a book from Lewis's shelf and, having finished the passage was amazed to find Lewis continuing the passage verbatim from memory.  One day maybe, I will be able to perform such a feat but for now I'm left with very scattered recollections of the time spent reading. I do remember reading Proverbs 30 which has a neat way of summarizing information. I've practiced the format below. 

Three things are valuable for the human, four make a man complete. 

1. Watching the sun put the darkness to flight. 
2. Vocalizing one's thoughts to a group.
3. Writing one's internal meditations 
4. Accepting your destiny. 

Three things will hurt a child four will keep him a child forever

1. Praise without merit
2. Food without work
3. Freedom without discipline 
4. A life without quiet.  

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