Friday, December 3, 2010


So I'm not sure what to post about. I'd like to post about something intellectual that I've been learning about such as God's peace or sanctification or the defense of the gospel or the biblical God as opposed to the American perception of god but all my studies in those various fields are simply producing more questions then answers, questions to which I have no answers. So I can not blindly write about a topic that I have no answers for.

On a more exciting note, I'm hopefully going to finish getting my permit tomorrow. *fingers crossed* I went on Monday and passed the written test but failed the vision test. So I have to go and see the eye doctor, get glasses and pass the vision test. All three of which are scheduled for tomorrow. Its also Jordan's birthday, he's turning fourteen lucky guy that he is. I wish I was fourteen again. I'll do a longer post later when I have some answers to those questions.

Here's something for you all to chew on and hopefully comment on if you have any answers. Mark 1:15, read it, think about it. Depending on your translation it will say "and saying The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God is at hand, repent and believe in the gospel" Now this is Jesus talking and he's saying believe in the gospel. Dont most modern Christians when they hear the word gospel think of the good news of Jesus birth life death and resurrection? What gospel is Jesus referring to, what good news is he telling us to believe?

Their is my question for you, if any of you have any good topics you'd like me to blog about please let me know because I'm having a difficult time coming up with things.


  1. i guess i will be able to picture you with glasses now because honestly right now i really cannot. :) hope the test goes well. :)

  2. Sweeet! Can't wait to see the glasses and I hope you get your permit soon... as for topics for blogging, my LoC teacher brought up this interesting debate on Kenosis, which is the Greek word "emptiness" used in Philippians 2:7. There's 2 sides of the debate: that the verse is saying that Jesus completely emptied Himself of His divineness (His ability of being omnipresence, omniscient, ect.) or (the argument that my teacher agrees with) that He decided to give up all of His rights as God, taking on servanthood, and giving up His outer appearance of God.
    I'd like to see what your comments are on this topic, though you may have to research it a bit more.

  3. I am gonna do a blog post on this Hannah, I just need to look back a bit in my journal and think some. So I have not forgotten about this.
