Friday, January 24, 2014


I begin this series of posts with a few words on diligence. I choose to begin with diligence for several reasons. Primarily because lacking diligence the human person becomes almost useless. Without diligence their is no ability to work against the currents of life. Without diligence a person will always be the opposite, that is lazy and the lazy person is quite possibly the farthest from God a person can be. Most people who wake up in hell, will not be guilty of any terribly shocking evil like the abuse of a child or the torturing of a woman. The most common path to hell is the life rolling like a great boulder down the mountain. No ability to stop or change direction simply bounding down whichever way is easiest to fall.

In absence of diligence, laziness has to a large degree become a driving factor for many peoples actions. We have kids studying in school not to learn information but because they know their parents won't let go out if they don't have above a B. We have siblings sharing with their siblings, not out of love for their brothers and sisters but because letting the sibling use their thing is the fastest way to get them out of their room. We have people working jobs, not because they feel proud of their product but because they want to pay for their next vacation to Florida. You may think these people are not lazy because they are studying, sharing and working on things.  But laziness is about ignoring your duty and following your heart. So the mom who is socially active and engaged in all sorts of clubs and programs, yet neglects the spiritual needs of her children is lazy. Why? She's busy, she works hard, she goes to bed each night with a list of "good" things she did. Yet she's a lazy mother because as a mom her duty is to her children and she has neglected that duty. Diligence and laziness can only be understood by the individual who understand the importance of doing one's duty and fulfilling one's obligation is about. The concept that I as an individual "should" do somethings and "should not" do others is necessary if I am to be diligent. Diligence is not merely excessive amounts of action and laziness is not the absence of action. The grasshopper in Aesops story was lazy because he didn't do what he was supposed to do not because he wasn't doing anything.

Jesus calls his followers to a life of diligence. We will not share in His fellowship unless we can also share in His suffering. No lazy person will endure suffering. Only a diligent person who is living His life for something bigger than themselves will be able to endure with patience the suffering that always comes as part of the Christian life.

Do I know what my duty is?

"We have never yet met a Christian worker who lacked self-control and was, nevertheless a good worker; and we have never seen a disobedient person prove a useful servant to the Lord."
Watchmen Nee The Normal Christian Worker (pg. 2)

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