Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Thankfulness Post #8

             Every few days something happens that makes me pause and wonder. The small everyday mysterious of life. The oddities of everyday that remind me humans are not all powerful when it comes to this world and sometimes we just need to sit back and laugh at our own stupidity. 

Mysteries like the following.

1. The dryer that can't do it's job with demanding at least one sock in payment. Resulting in this.

2. The couch that will not be comfortable without first eating several pens or small objects from your pockets

3. The pot of noodles that won't boil if you are too close but will burn if you are too far away.
4. How fifteen more minutes in bed = thirty seconds of real time.

5.  The reality that 8 cups of coffee is really only about 4.

6. Where hair ties go?

7. Ticklishness. Seriously why does it bother to exist?

      The list goes on. These are just a few that make me laugh and wonder. Wonder if maybe fairies are real, if machines might actually be alive, if something exists beyond just the laws of physics and chemistry which can alter the world we live in. 

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