Sunday, January 2, 2011

The Sands of Endlessness

How is one to make sense of it all. All is vanity and a striving after wind saith the preacher and yet we continue to allow ourselves to feel and hurt and morn over thing that have virtually no significance in the overall perspective of eternity. We all are willing to admit that the majority of the things we spend our time pursuing do not matter much in eternities view. However these things such as grades, friends, presents, birthdays, anniversaries, sporting events are all very real and what give life and purpose to millions upon millions of people all over the world. How has the world come to this state. A state in which the things of this world which do not live beyond a memory have become the force that drives the majority of humanity to eat, work, sleep and live in general. Why have we become so complacent that we are wiling to spend our time and be satisfied by things that can only exist as a memory. We find ourselves wrapped up into these situations that we know are hindering us from pursuing God however they can not be ignored. We wish to bring God into the picture and allow Him to work out the problem for us yet it just seems to make things more complicated and while its comforting in a sense to say "God you now have control over this situations and it's under your control" this does not alleviate the pressure that we must feel because we are still, regardless of who is in charge, key players in the problem.

What are we to do. We can research, We can study, we can diagram and plan as much as Socrates but ultimatly it will all come to naught. Friendships dwindle away unless continually attended to, physique grows lax and weak unless forced int subjugation and made strong through discipline our minds wander into idle thoughts and vain day dreaming unless reality is continually being brought before it. Life in general is taxing and yet God calls us continually to higher and higher levels of purity and intelligence. Plinkys question for today is: If you had an hour in a time machine where would you go. I'd go to eternity where God reigns supreme and His will is being done on earth as it has been done in heaven for eternity past. to be assured that all these struggles and battles are worth it. To know that the hope I rest all my rational, my reason, my efforts and dreams upon is as glorious as the scriptures tell. To make it easier to trudge on through the storm, being cold to the core and having to stop every so often to clean the blood and the sweat from our eyes. The only thing that allows us to continue is hope. Reason fails us when the we come to the chasm of faith. faith without reason can only lead to hope and hope is what we are left with as motivation to serve God.

So the purpose of this post, to show that in reality most things are unprovable and since hope is what we as Christian found our lives upon we must ensure that our hope is properly placed and were not hoping for the wrong thing.


  1. Otto The IllustriousJanuary 6, 2011 at 8:18 PM

    I think you hit one of the most important parts of a Christian's life- Finding what activities are of eternal value.

    Thanks for posting that.

  2. I very much agree, it is important that we set our sights on things worth eternal value... your part about grades kind of hit me hard that's what I have been so concentrated on lately. But I needed this! (Helped a ton!) Thank you for posting :D

  3. edit your freaking posts. proof. freaking. read.

    How is one to make sense of it all? All is vanity and a striving after wind, saith the preacher. And yet we continue to allow ourselves to feel and hurt and morn over things that have virtually no significance in the overall perspective of eternity. We are all willing to admit that the majority of things we spend our time pursuing do not matter much in eternity's view. However these things such as grades, friends, presents, birthdays, anniversaries, and sporting events are all very real and they are what give life and purpose to millions upon millions of people all over the world.
    How has the world come to this state? A state in which the things of this world that do not live beyond a memory have become the force that drives the majority of humanity to eat, work, sleep and live in general. Why have we become so complacent that we are wiling to spend our time, and be satisfied, by things that can only exist as a memory? We find ourselves wrapped up in these situations that we know are hindering us from pursuing God; however they can not be ignored. We wish to bring God into the picture and allow Him to work out the problem for us, yet it just seems to make things more complicated. And while it's comforting in a sense to say, "God you now have control over this situation, it's under your control" this does not alleviate the pressure that we must feel because we are still, regardless of who is in charge, key players in the problem.

    What are we to do? We can research, we can study, we can diagram and plan as much as Socrates, but ultimately it will all come to naught. Friendships dwindle away unless continually attended to, physique grows lax and weak unless forced into subjugation and made strong through discipline, our minds wander into idle thoughts and vain day dreaming unless reality is continually being brought before it. Life in general is taxing, and yet God calls us to continually higher and higher levels of purity and intelligence. Plinky's question for today is: "If you had an hour in a time machine where would you go?" I'd go to eternity where God reigns supreme and His will is being done on earth as it has been done in heaven for eternity past. To be assured that all these struggles and battles are worth it. To know that the hope I rest all my rational thought, my reason, my efforts and dreams upon is as glorious as the scriptures tell. To make it easier to trudge on through the storm, being cold to the core and having to stop every so often to clean the blood and the sweat from our eyes. The only thing that allows us to continue is hope. Reason fails us when the we come to the chasm of faith. Faith without reason can only lead to hope, and hope is what we are left with as motivation to serve God.

    So the purpose of this post is to show that in reality most things are unprovable. Since hope is what we as Christians found our lives upon, we must ensure that our hope is properly placed, and that we're not hoping for the wrong thing.

  4. that is all I can hope for Santeyio.

    Thanks Anonymous, I appreciate the input and I'll do my best next time.

  5. I appreciate it. Editing should never be lost. professionalism is important, and such things as typos and grammatical errors should not be even remotely apparent in your works. You are far above them, my friend. And I apologize for my harshness. You see, such things can be irritating to readers.
