From the chronlogies of Caleb's adventures.
Story I: Wednesday is trash day where I live. If you've ever been to my house you know that my driveway is a pretty steep descent and if you haven't well you'll just have to believe me *chuckles*. So I was carrying out a bag of trash from our kitchen just before seven in the morning and I was sorta rushing caue it was cold and my bare feet were hurting cause of the dew. Now their is a very large and expnasive oak tree in our front yard, I think I showed a picture of it in an earlier post. Now this tree's extensive folliage covers a good portion of our upper driveway. As I was walking toward the trash can with my feet cold and my mind wandering back to my warm bed with a cup of tea and The Institues of Christian Religion by Calvin I literally didn't throw caution to the wind and as I passed under the leafy vestige a gust of wind shook the leafy folliage and down from the branches rained down a barrage of seasonal acorns. Pelting me with nuts on my precious brain box. As I tried to take shelter in the garage I once again made a fatal mistake and forgot to look where I was going. I soon heard the unmistakable *spelch* and the horrible feel of a big fat slimy slug being squesshed up againt my heel.
So remember to look where your going and watch out for oak trees they kinda sneak up on your sometimes.
Hey stranger! And you said my blog was dead :P