Wednesday, September 16, 2009

The Lagan Estate

I'm not exactly sure how to place the different pictures so this might be a confusing post.

This morning I was up around 6:00 which is normal however unlike usual I decided to procrastinate from doing school and take some pictures of my house and the glorious landscape to which I can awake every morning of which you will all soon be jealous.

A sunrise, shimmering through the trees casting its brilliant rays in a wonderful array of glimmering artistry.

One of my favorite trees on our property.
For ages past my siblings and myself
have spent hours on
the rope, either
hiding from parents or
just having
an afternoon of fun.
Oh for
the days when a tree and a piece of rope
and a tree branch could satisfy me for hours at a time.

You cant see the whole tree but its a mighty oak that
rears up its head high and proud above not only the
surrounding forest but also our house.

My personal favorite tree, the weeping willow.
Now this one may be small and scraggly looking but
its the only willow for at least a mile around our
and perhaps more and that makes it special.

Shrouded by misty clouds in the early hours of the morning,
The full moon sheds light on the bloody carnage that was
left by the werewolves and vampires that duked it out
in our front lawn that evening.

The Lagan Manor.

This is a really cool swamp. Its at the bottom of our driveway but even though its not in bloom I decided to post a picture of it.

Another sunrise

Long ago in the mists of Lagan history, dug with the sweat and blood of 7-11 year olds. It is Moria or Khazad-Dum in the ancient tongue. Built as a defensive work against the the Moors (not the ancient Muslim nation from Northern Africa, but its actually our neighbors,) who lives to our north. Its wealth was not in its gold or silver but in the mud balls which we harvested in abundance from its depths.