Today I am thankful for the witness and the testimony of the Christian saints who have gone before us. Men and woman who have spent their lives pursuing Gods will and their stories are an incredible example well worth imitating. To often we downgrade the example of other Christians, particularly historical Christians because we have somehow come to the conclusion that learning about these people eliminates our ability to focus on Christ. This assumption is simply not the case, if this were so then why does the bible include stories about people besides Jesus or those directly related to Jesus? Obviously they dont detract from Him but understanding people who have followed God with all their heart, who have sought His face will enable us to know how we can better to seek His face. In times of trial their is always the example of someone who persevered through such worse circumstances or mental strain and if we know and can appreciate these examples our lives our not only more enriched but it enables us to weather our own storms of life better and more effectively.
Some of the not mainstream Christians I have found particular encouragement in studying are men such as, Athanasius, Paphnutius, Charles Spurgeon, John Calvin, St. Augustine, John Wesly, Adoniram Judson, Nate Saint and his son Steve Saint, ect... the list goes on and on into more and more obscure people. Their is literally no end to the acts of courage and valor which were done in the name of Christ.
Oh for the day when knights were bold and chivalry yet lived. In an age when postmodern relativists control the media and the schools I can not thank God enough for the overwhelming evidence of history that despite the darkness of this present day, history shines forth the glory and majesty of God in all its chapters and no where in history is the power or purpose of God more clearly shown then in the lives of those who sought His face. Augustine, when asked about the different rituals done when a saint or martyr died, said,"we do not worship the deceased saints rather we honor the lives that they lived and try to make ours like theirs." We deprive ourselves of so much by not knowing about our brothers and sisters who have gone before us and walked the narrow way already. The way to Christ may be narrow and difficult but their are a whole host of men and woman who have walked that road and written thousands upon thousands of pages about their journey, why do we refuse to learn from them and try to do it our own way? Its just silly when we are willing to think about it.
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