Friday, August 14, 2009

"Darkness Rising"

So I promised I would make an attempt at justifying my reasons for the dark and ominous title "Darkness Rising". For those of you who don't really care it will be enough for you to know that I think the world is getting gradually worse and not better so you can stop reading now if you want.

For those who care to listen to what I think seems logical you can hang around for one or two more paragraphs.

Firstly I am willing to concede alot of what I say is probably not a true world perspective but an "american" perseptive. As I see it things seemling appear better and brighter than they were three hundred four hundred a thousand years ago. However in my humble opinion it appears that something is festering deep within all the false brightness. Most of the food orginizations and aid orginizations and medical aid corperations and most other minsitries not missions mind you but "ministires" are all done in the name of humans. They all preach the ideals of a humanistic society that tells humans we can create a utopia on earth without the aid of a supreme higher being. This mindset will prove the downfall of all that they have been working to attain and the longer they continue this course without their false beleifs being contradicted by facts the greater will be the fall.

As for me I would rather have all the atrocoties of the past without a false philosophy that is able to help prevent the atrocoties for a time but will inevitably fail and only bring about worse trouble than what was before.

I know that probably made no sense whatsoever so if you actually cared enough to read that and are more curious about my opinion you can send me an email and I can try to explain myself more clearly.

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