Well I finally got disciplined enough to start a blog or I was bored and had nothing else to do at 11:00 Friday night. All of you have to tell your friends to tell their friend to tell their friends to come and become followers because the more people I have as followers the more I'll post. I am as anxious as all of you are to see how this thing turns out. Whether enough interesting stuff will happen to be able to keep it going. However that's in the future what matters now is what this post will be about. ummmm..
I suppose I should introduce myself for all of you who dont know me yet. I've never done this before so you'll have to just be a bit bored while your read this.
I am right in the middle of ten children. I have four older brothers and one older sister. Three younger brothers and one younger sister. I'm fourteen and am a Christian. I love tea and chocolate and coffee and music and reading and weaponry and frisbee and cold winter nights and thunder storms and cheese and wine after a tiring day. I decorate my room with my collection of swords and other oddities I have obtained. My music tastes change sporadically from hard rock to easy listening depending on my mood. I like bands like Within Temptation, Hurt, Seether, Breaking Benjamin, Nickleback, Celtic Women, Josh Groban Trans-Siberian Orchestra and alot of other random songs from different soundtracks and random bands. I don't like country, rap or jazz.
I've been drinking/brewing coffee since I was eight and caffeine has ceased to affect me.
I like to read although I don't have much time to do it. I mostly read the classics. When I have a large amount of free time I'll read church history or apologetic. I play frisbee all the time mostly with my family and friends but I've played one season on a real team and will most likely do it again this upcoming year. Schools is horribly annoying and a dreadful nuisance with the exception of Latin which I like. As you probably already figured out my grammar and punctuation is horrible but I don't really care so I will quot an extremely wise man and say "tough beans!!!"
That's pretty much all anyone would want to know about me hope I didn't bore any of you away.
Teaser for my next post: I wrote a poem, no really I actually did and I'll probably post it tomorrow or Monday, its my first one so it doesn't really follow any of the proper rules of poetry but I thought it sounded cool and it seemed to have a good rhythm to it.
Oh and I'll probably post sometime soon about the reason for my ominous and depressing title.
haha alright you're subscribed in my google reader. So I'll be reading all your posts.