I've read a couple articles, from bloggers who found or invented these cool little tricks to life. They aren't complex, they aren't crazy, they are just things that the average person with his or her crazy schedule hasn't found time to think about. I liked these articles so much that I've decided to write my own. I hope you find these ten life hacks helpful, encouraging and practical for your daily existence. I didn't invent any of them.
1. Be Nice to Your Parents
If kids be nice to parents -> parents be nice back to kids -> kids become even nicer to parents...ect. Usually parents are smarter, more experienced and better at life than the kid. Assume they are right. Parents have about one hundredd million things they need to do on a given day, if you run across something they actually did wrong, don't be a jerk about it. You're in their family, they are not in yours, make the family better and make life for yourself and your parents easier. It's not very hard to think of things that you can do to be nice to parents. If you're having trouble you can start by just doing your chores when your supposed to.
2. Read:
Books are great, they keep your imagination alive and well when childhood has passed away.
3. Converse
Don't waste the people you have in your life. Learn to talk with them properly. Conversation requires three things. First, know what you want to say. Second have a big enough vocabulary so that you can put what you want to say into words. Third, the ability to listen to someone and hear what they actually mean not just the words coming out of their mouth.
4 Learn:
Recognize that in the grand scheme of human existence you really don't know very much at all. Don't rush from one poorly done thing to another. Go slow and learn to do each thing you do well. One perfect thing is superior to a dozen imperfections.
5. Teach:
That thing you learned to do really well. Pass it on to someone else, you'll get better at it by teaching it and you'll do something good for somebody else.
6. Don't Date in Highschool:
This isn't a moral thing, I'm not talking about what's right or wrong. I'm just saying, realistically most high school relationships,
7. You are You
Don't ever try to be not you. Don't be jealous of someone your not. Don't copy paste yourself as other people. Your stuck with you and the sooner you accept that and make yourself awesome the sooner you'll be awesome. If you just try and imitate someone else, at the very best you'll only be a poorly engineered clone of someone not you.
8. Kindness
Being kind, is usually not that difficult. Most people are not out to hurt you and doing something nice, like bringing cookies or extra gum will not only make you feel good but will help everyone remember you positively.
9 Truth
A single grain of truth will conquer a mountain of lies. Find some truths and stick with them. The world is a confusing place, truth is a filter which gives order to the world and helps a person know what's important and what's stupid.
10 Seriousness
Realize that somethings in life need to be taken seriously. Life itself, you only get one of them, don't waste it. People, the most precious thing you'll ever handle is a human soul, don't hurt the ones around you. Truth, truth is precious, truth is valuable don't forget the truth you know and don't replace the truth you have with lies.
These are ten things, I've found really helpful in my life. Have a great day. :)
1. Be Nice to Your Parents
If kids be nice to parents -> parents be nice back to kids -> kids become even nicer to parents...ect. Usually parents are smarter, more experienced and better at life than the kid. Assume they are right. Parents have about one hundredd million things they need to do on a given day, if you run across something they actually did wrong, don't be a jerk about it. You're in their family, they are not in yours, make the family better and make life for yourself and your parents easier. It's not very hard to think of things that you can do to be nice to parents. If you're having trouble you can start by just doing your chores when your supposed to.
2. Read:
Books are great, they keep your imagination alive and well when childhood has passed away.
3. Converse
Don't waste the people you have in your life. Learn to talk with them properly. Conversation requires three things. First, know what you want to say. Second have a big enough vocabulary so that you can put what you want to say into words. Third, the ability to listen to someone and hear what they actually mean not just the words coming out of their mouth.
4 Learn:
Recognize that in the grand scheme of human existence you really don't know very much at all. Don't rush from one poorly done thing to another. Go slow and learn to do each thing you do well. One perfect thing is superior to a dozen imperfections.
5. Teach:
That thing you learned to do really well. Pass it on to someone else, you'll get better at it by teaching it and you'll do something good for somebody else.
6. Don't Date in Highschool:
This isn't a moral thing, I'm not talking about what's right or wrong. I'm just saying, realistically most high school relationships,
A. Consume vast amounts of time and money.
B. Distance both people from their friend groups.
C. Lower one's GPA by at least 1.0
D. Give you all sorts of emotionally founded, incorrect ideas about love, marriage, the opposite sex and romance.
E. Hurt both people involved.
If you're thinking about being in such a relationship I would say..."WATCH OUT, IT'S A TRAP!!!! If it's not a trap they'll wait for you."7. You are You
Don't ever try to be not you. Don't be jealous of someone your not. Don't copy paste yourself as other people. Your stuck with you and the sooner you accept that and make yourself awesome the sooner you'll be awesome. If you just try and imitate someone else, at the very best you'll only be a poorly engineered clone of someone not you.
8. Kindness
Being kind, is usually not that difficult. Most people are not out to hurt you and doing something nice, like bringing cookies or extra gum will not only make you feel good but will help everyone remember you positively.
9 Truth
A single grain of truth will conquer a mountain of lies. Find some truths and stick with them. The world is a confusing place, truth is a filter which gives order to the world and helps a person know what's important and what's stupid.
10 Seriousness
Realize that somethings in life need to be taken seriously. Life itself, you only get one of them, don't waste it. People, the most precious thing you'll ever handle is a human soul, don't hurt the ones around you. Truth, truth is precious, truth is valuable don't forget the truth you know and don't replace the truth you have with lies.
These are ten things, I've found really helpful in my life. Have a great day. :)