Understanding all these parts of the person is very interesting but
explaining them all would be quite tedious. I’ll get to the point and
for anyone who actually reads this and has questions we can have a good
conversation about what all the human components are. What is most
important to understand is that the spiritual is more powerful then the
physical. The physical is tied to decay, it is irrevocably cursed by God
because of sin, this will not change until the second coming of Christ.
Romans 8:20-23 An animal can not help being bound, to the physical
world, it can not help being a victim of its passions and environment.
So a dog that kills its owner because of harsh treatment should be
pitied and loved because it was raised poorly and had no choice in the
matter. A human because he has a spiritual side which can overpower the
physical passions must be held accountable for his actions, he can never
blame his circumstances nor environment. When humans blame other things
for being responsible for their actions they lower themselves to the
level of animals and degrades themselves and the human race.
Christians a large part of our lives is to be spent eradicating sin. By
sin I mean the distance between ourselves and God. God is everywhere.
This is true, but until you know He’s there you He might as well not be
there because its not going to help you at all if you don’t know He’s
there. God is not physical being He is spiritual so I’m not talking
about simply physical distance. There is spiritual distance between
ourselves and God which must be traversed for us to truly rest in Him.
As pagans we had no hope of traversing the gap, it was quite impossible.
Christ’s sacrifice guaranteed the souls of those who believe an
eternity in heaven and his blood made a road which we can travel on
which will lead us to God. The road has many names, Godliness,
Righteousness, Love, Perfection, Goodness.
draw near to God we must bring all our components. If we wish to
eradicate sin and to rest in the peace of God all of our faculties must
be equally in pursuit of God. Often Christians make the mistake of
cutting out the fruit of sin without ever taking out the root. A person
who truly wants to walk the road of Godliness can not continually be
stomping out all the outgrowths of sin saying, “I’m going to honor my
parents, I’m going to respect my girls, I’m going to get good grades,
I’m going to stop cursing, I’m going to stop drinking….” This will wear a
person down, make them discouraged and they won’t experience the peace
Christ did. The problem is that this person is just dealing the results
of his sin, he’s just trying to fix what happens because he’s so far
away from God. What He has to do is start asking the deeper questions
of, “why do I dishonor my parents, why do I drink, why do I get bad
problem usually resides in the spiritual side of a person. It is the
more powerful side of a person and most people don’t even know its there
or if they do they rarely access it. Its hard to change all of a sudden
from being a sensual person who learns with one’s eyes and thinks with
one’s feelings. But it must be understood that change comes by changing
the heart not by changing the action. It is possible to stop drinking
but the inner problem that forced that person to alcohol in the first
place will soon enough find another avenue to vent its anger. A true
disciple of Christ will discipline all parts of his person, not just the
part doing the sinning. A person who wishes to destroy sin in his life
by the power of God must allow God to control His mind for the mind
creates one’s thoughts; his body because it is the throne of the
passions; his will determines his actions; his soul because the soul
decides one nature; the spirit because the spirit is one’s character and
his emotions because they decide his feelings. A diligent disciple then
would create a lifestyle in which each of his parts is properly
disciplined. Christians are rarely taught today that their is more to
them then what they can feel. They are not taught that the unseen
determine what happens in the seen world and that disciplining their
spirit is far more important then learning about the dangers of drugs
and the rules of dating. *kicks the tv again*
Comment away, let me know what you think on the text or the music, I've started listening to Nightwish again, I haven't really listened to them since Junior High.